
Phillip Arthur Fields, Ph.D.
Department: Structural & Cellular Biology (1980-Present)
Birth Date: October 17, 1947


University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida                B.S. (Animal Science)                1969
Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas        M.S. (Muscle Biochemistry)        1971
Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas        Ph.D. (Biochemistry)                  1976
University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida                Post-Doctorate                           1980


Endocytosis/Exocytosis (1992 - 1994; Course Director).
Advanced Gross Anatomy Senior Elective (1989-2001;
Course Director).
Advanced Graduate Cell Biology (1989 -2002).
Graduate Advanced Embryology (1993 - 2002).
Medical Histology (1992 - 2008).
Medical Anatomy (1980 - present;
Course Director 1986, 1990&91, 1997 & 98, 2003 & 04).
Medical Embryology (2005 - present
Course Director)
Bear Program: Medical Anatomy (1992 - present;
Course Director 1998-2003; 2005-07).
Physician Assistant Gross Anatomy (1999-present;
Course Director).
Remedial Summer Medical Gross Anatomy (2002-present;
Course Director).
Fundamentals of Basic Sciences I Graduate Level Course (2002 - 2007).
Fundamentals of Basic Sciences II Graduate Level Course (2002 - present).
BMD 311, Human Anatomy (2006).
Physical Therapy Anatomy (2009 - present
Course Director)

Teaching Aids Developed

Fields PA.  Physician Assistant Dissector for Human Anatomy.
Fields PA.  Medical Dissector for Human Anatomy.
Fields PA.  Medical Anatomy Dissection CDs


Travel Grant Endocrinology Society (1984).
Best Basic Science Teacher - Phase I BEAR (1998, 2002, 2006).
Didactic Instructor of the Year - Department of Physician Assistant Studies (2008).

Scientific Societies

5th International Conference on Relaxin in 2008:
    Program Committee (2006-2008)
Society for the Study of Reproduction Annual Meeting (2006):
Chair Minisymposia: Relaxin in the 21st Century: The Identification of Relaxin
            Receptors Has Generated Novel Physiological Applications
4th International Conference on Relaxin in 2004:
Editor: Relaxin & Related Peptides: 4th International Conference.  Annals New
            York Academy of Science vol 1041
    Abstract Review Committee (2003-2004)
Society for the Study of Reproduction membership:
    Awards Committee (2009-2011)
    Nomination Committee (2005;
Chair 2006)
    By-Laws Committee (2002 - 2005)
    Membership Committee (1987 - 1988; 2000 - 2002)
    Program Committee Annual Meeting (1997, 2006)
    Editorial Board: Biology of Reproduction (1990 - 95)
Editorial Board: Trends in Reproduction Biology (1997 - 2001)
NIH Contract Grants Review Committee (1990, 1991)
Ad hoc Reviewer for USDA grants
Ad hoc Reviewer for NSF grants
Ad hoc Reviewer for VA grants

Research grants

NIH: 1 R01 HD40448-01A1 - Hormonal Regulation of the Cervix During Pregnancy (2002-2005).
NIH: PHS 5 RO1 HD08700 -  Relaxin: Biochemical and Physiological Studies (1989 - 92).
BARD (Binational Agricultural Research and Development Fund): US-1160-86C - Bovine Relaxin:
A Placental Source and Effects on Prostaglandin and Steroid Metabolism (1988 - 1991).
NIH: 1 RO1 HD18075 - Oxytocin and Other Secretory Protein of the Bovine CL (1984 - 87).
NIH: 1 RO1 HD15773 -  Human Placental Relaxin: Ultrastructural Localization (1981 - 84).
NSF: PCM-8409304 -  Bovine Relaxin: Origin and Secretion (1981 - 84).