Underlined material is linked.  So you can go back and forth to various pages by clinking on the linked material.

My name is Phillip Fields, born 1947. I am a professor of Anatomy at the University of South Alabama College of
Medicine where I teach Human Anatomy to MD, PA and PT students
(Resume). My life consists of God, teaching, and
running marathons. In 2007, I was diagnosed with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) and told to give up my
passion -running. According to the poet Frank O’Hara, “We fight for what we love, not are”. Since 2009, I have run
over 100 marathons, including one in every state and Canadian Province. The site will be updated constantly with
new photos from my trips. You can contact me at
pfields@southalabama.edu.  For more, go to:

My Story
                                        I have published a book about this journey.
                 All royalties are going to pediatric oncology.


My latest marathon was in Lake Mead, NV (1/11/20).  I have exceeded the average years for
remission post-chemotherapy.  Except for a low red blood cell count and hemoglobin since chemotherapy (2011), a
defibrillator for ventricular tachycardia (2016), and now atrial fibrillation, things are good.

New Links:  This is an interesting resource all about how patients in treatment and remission can deal with the sleep-
disrupting side effects of chemotherapy, steroids, and other treatments.
This link discusses important issues regarding drug management.  https://www.singlecare.com/blog/medication-